DRAFT Minutes of the Virtual Full Council Meeting, 4th January 2021 held online via ZOOM at 8.00pm
Present: Cllr A Dodson, Cllr J Aniskowicz, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr H Upton, Cllr R Garnham
Also Present: Clerk (Mr R Zvauya) Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 1 ZOOM connection from members of the public
20-075: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests
Declaration of interest: Cllr Morgan has put in a tender for the grass cutting, he was not be present for the discussion of this agenda item.
20-076: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 2nd November 2020, 26th November 2020 and 7th December 2020
The Full Council minutes from November and two EGM minutes were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr S Morgan, seconded by Cllr H Upton. All Cllrs in agreement.
20-077: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)
There was no public participation
20-078: Reports from County and District Councillors
Cllr Bill Hunt – To stand down from his County Council role at the next election. Weds 3rd March from 8am 2021/22 LHI bids are to be heard, Bill to support WPC’s application to reduce the speed limit to 30mph on Stretham Road. Declassification of the A1123 from an A road to a B road has been agreed at committee.. Development south of Hinton Way to be called in to full planning committee at East Cambs. Six-year housing supply now in place across the district. Mepal Outdoor Centre working towards being a crematorium.
Parish Councillors thanked Bill for his service as a County Councillor.
20-079: Business Matters
a. Consider update from RIG -Cllr Garnham
The architects have been instructed and plans will be shared with Cllrs and Pell Estate Trustees, once they are ready.
b. Consider update on Allotments, Sandpits, Community Orchard – Cllr Morgan
Cllr Morgan fruit trees are starting to go in, the shelter structure for the school is almost completed.
c. Consider update on 2021/22 LHI Bid – Cllr Garnham
Cllr Garnham summarised information from UK roads.org (as directed to by the Police Officer advising Highways), he is awaiting a date for a site meeting with Highways and the Police.
d. Discuss 2020/21 LHI Bid – Cllr Upton
A gateway at the 40mph sign would cost an additional £8,000-£9,000. Cllrs discussed deferring the spend, pending the 2021/22 LHI outcome.
e. Consider report on refurbishment of Telephone Box
Thanks to David and Caroline Gould and other helpers in creating this community space.
f. Discuss Cemetery and Footpath grass cutting quotations
Cllr Morgan was not part of the discussion and was placed into the ‘waiting room’ for this item
Quotes have been received and discussed.
It was resolved that Bespoke Services be awarded the contract (£160 a cut at the cemetery) and the footpath contracts, proposed by Cllr Garnham and seconded by Cllr Upton, all Cllrs agreed.
Cll Morgan rejoined the meeting at this point.
g. Discuss cemetery footpath quotations
Waiting for more quotes to come back
h. Approve budget for 2021/22
It was resolved that the budget be accepted. Proposed by Cllr Morgan and seconded by Cllr Dodson, all Cllrs agreed.
i. Consider Wilburton Social Club request not to pay rent for the months they are closed due to COVID19
No rent to be charged whilst the social club is closed, they will be reimbursed for November and December 2020.
j. Consider school’s request to put a war memorial for animals
Cllrs would like to thank the school for their hard work in putting together the presentation.
It was resolved that the Council approve a spend of £200 towards the cost of a memorial, to be sited at the Community Allotments.
20-080: Agenda items for next meeting
Refuse collection at the cemetery
Toilet refurbishment at the hall
Heating issues at the hall
Cemetery path quotes
LHI bid 21/22
20-081: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors
20-082: Date of next meeting – Monday 1st February 2021
Meeting closed at 9:52pm