Minutes full council March 2022
Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, 2nd March 2022 held at St Peter’s Hall, at 8.00pm
Present: Cllr A Dodson, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr Attrill, Cllr Spencer, Cllr Upton, Cllr Aniskowicz and Cllr Wilson.
Also Present: Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 0 member of the public.
22-020: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests
Apologies from Clerk (Rixon Zvauya)
22-021: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 2nd February 2022
The Full Council minutes from the 2nd February were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Attrill, seconded by Cllr Morgan. All Cllrs agreed.
22-022: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)
There was no public participation.
22-023 Reports from District and County Councillors
County Councillor Dan Schumann summarised matters from across the County – a rise in the County Council element to the maximum amount (without needing to call a referendum). New approved budget is focusing on building Council reserves: 50% of the amount will go towards this. Large turnover of staff within the County Council – in particular Chief Executives and middle managers of departments. Services and staff are returning to pre COVID 19 roles.
22-024: Business Matters
1.Recreation Field – Consider lease update
Cllrs reviewed the updated plan from the Pell Estate which had only been received just before the meeting. This will be revisited at the next meeting
Review policies and procedures
2.a) Standing orders, b) Risk management, c) Complaints procedure
It was resolved to adopt the above policies. Proposed by Cllr Attrill and seconded by Cllr Morgan. All Cllrs agreed.
3.LHI Bid 2021/22 and 22/23 – consider update
Cllr Spencer shared email correspondence from Highways with an anticipated start date within 6-8 weeks.
Cllr Dodson updated Cllrs on presenting the 22/23 proposal to Highways – date for decision 26/04/22
4.Consider update on yellow lines
Cllr Upton updated Cllrs on discussions with Pam Joyce.
5. Cemetery – Consider scarifying open areas
To be considered at the next meeting.
6.Consider proposal to have multipurpose bin for waste at the Cemetery
All bins will be removed from the Cemetery for a trial period.
7.Consider update on planting of fruit trees
Apple, pear and plum trees from East Cambs District Council have now been planted at the Berristead, recreation ground, the school allotment and the Community Orchard – the trees have been registered as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy as part of the Platinum Jubilee 2022 celebration.
8.Consider Grass cutting schedule update
Prior to the meeting Cllr Dodson, Cllr Morgan and the assistant clerk met with Trulink (Parish Council appointed contractor) to discuss the schedule at Berristead playground and the recreation ground. Cllrs were updated on the discussions. A revised quote has yet to be received.
9.Consider update on Village Voice- Wilburton Special for May
Cllrs discussed contacting village organisations to share news by the 8th of April with the assistant clerks.
Cllr Dodson will contact the distribution company, used in the past, with a view to using them again this year.
10.Consider update on Social Club roof – lead flashing, roof cleaning
Cllr Upton and Cllr Morgan shared their findings – quotes for lead flashing will be sought
11.Consider update on St Peter’s Hall gable end repair
Cllr Upton and Cllr Morgan summarised their findings – quotes will be sought for the work
12.Discuss Christmas tree for 2022
Options were discussed for planting a tree that will grow so in a few years time there would be no need to cut down and position a tree. Cllr Wilson agreed to source a tree for this year and Cllr Morgan will obtain a quote for a tree to plant.
13.Discuss letter from Haddenham about access to old railway line
Cllrs agreed to be added to the letter to be sent to the farm management and landowners, the letter will be sent from Sutton, Haddenham and Wilburton Parish Councils.
14.Planning – 22/00037/FUL Land west of Saunders Piece Ely Road Little Thetford – change of use
Cllrs are concerned about the change of use, from agricultural to residential. there are council owned traveller plots that are unused on Whitecross Road hedge being planted on the Highway not on their own land.
Objections were raised: outside the building envelope
Proposed by Cllr Upton and seconded by Cllr Aniskowicz All Cllrs agreed.
22-025: Agenda items for next meeting
Fence at the rec
Recreation Ground Lease
Cemetery – scarifying
Speed cameras
Lorry watch
Update from the solicitor
Consideration of chair, vice chair and membership on working groups
22-026: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors
22-027: Date of next meeting – Wednesday 6th April 2022
Meeting closed at 10.00pm