Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, 6th April 2022 held at Wilburton Baptist Church, at 8.00pm
Present: Cllr A Dodson, Cllr S Henessay, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr Attrill, Cllr Spencer, Cllr Upton, Cllr Aniskowicz and Cllr Wilson.
Also Present: Clerk (Rixon Zvauya) Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 2 members of the public.
22-027: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests
22-028: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 2nd March 2022
The Full Council minutes from the 2nd March were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Attrill, seconded by Cllr Spencer. All Cllrs agreed.
22-029: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)
There was no public participation.
22-030 Reports from District and County Councillors
Report from District Councillor Bill Hunt (see attached)
22-031: Business Matters
1.Recreation Field – Consider email from the Pell Estate
Cllrs discussed an email regarding the proposed storage sites, as part of the planned recreation improvements, from the Pell Estate. These drawings had been sent to the Parish Council appointed architect for consultation and to amend the plan, Cllrs considered all points raised in the email and how best to move the planned improvements to the recreation ground alongside the finalisation of the new lease forward. All Cllrs were in agreement that they would like to finalise and sign the lease, as soon as possible, the existing lease (for the main field only) runs until September 2024. The new lease will bring both fields together under one lease, grant funding cannot be applied for (to improve facilities) until the new lease has been signed.
It was proposed that the drawings from CMP alongside the Councils agreement with the sites for storage and their size to be shared with the Estate Trustees. Trustees will be asked if all matters regarding the lease are now resolved so that a date can be set for the signing of the new lease. Proposed by Cllr Dodson. Seconded by Cllr Morgan. All agreed.
It was proposed that, should there still be elements of the lease and the planned improvements to the recreation ground needing to be resolved, a meeting between Trustees, 3 Parish Councillors, solicitors from both sides and CMP (PC appointed) architect be held, with the Parish Council covering costs, to resolve the lease. Proposed by Cllr Dodson. Seconded by Cllr Wilson. All agreed.
2.Approve new pay scales circulated by CAPALC
It was proposed that the new pay scales be adopted. Proposed by Cllr Dodson. Seconded by Cllr Wilson. All agreed.
3.Consider update on LHI bids – Cllr Spencer
A date of mid-May has been given by Highways for the start of works on Stretham Road speed reduction.
4.Consider update on yellow lines – Cllr Upton and Cllr Hennessy
No update as yet
5.Cemetery – Consider scarifying open areas
To carry over to the next meeting.
6.Consider update on planting of plants and wild flowers including updated quote from Truelink – Assistant Clerk
Planter options and what to plant is being considered by Councillors and will be purchased in the coming weeks as part of the East Cambs District Council Grant received in the Autumn.
Councillors reviewed the quote from Trulink for the changes to grass cutting at Berristead and the Recreation Ground.
Retendering for the Recreation field grass cutting will take place in Autumn.
It was resolved to accept the updated quote from Trulink. Proposed by Cllr Morgan. Seconded by Cllr Attrill. All agreed.
7.Sandpits – consider planting of hedgerow – Cllr Morgan and Ass Clerk
Quotes to be sought for the removal of the vegetation, repairing the fence line.
8.Consider update on Lorry Watch – Cllrs Attrill, Upton and Morgan
Cllr Attrill updated Cllrs on meetings that Cllr Attrill, Cllr Upton and Cllr Morgan have attended. Volunteers from across the villages of Wilburton and Haddenham will coordinate the collection of data – lorries using Wilburton as a ‘cut through’ rather than using the bypass.
9.Consider update on Speed camera – Cllr Upton
The unit has been moved to West End.
10.Consider concern raised regarding junction of Twentypence Road with the High Street
Cllr Dodson updated Cllrs with details of a recent accident and shared that she has had communications with Highways to raise ongoing concerns on this junction and what could be done to help this be safer.
11.Discuss Queens Platinum Jubilee
There have been no volunteers from the local community come forward with ideas of ways the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee could be celebrated. Therefore, Wilburton Parish Council do not have the capacity to plan an event.
– 22/00037/FUL Pools Road, Wilburton Change of use to a mix of 10 Gypsy and Traveller pitches
Cllrs object due to it being outside the development envelope, not being in keeping with the surrounding area – there are no other traveller plots on this stretch of road – and there are too many plots on the site – overcrowding.
– 22/00330/FUL 6A Seppings Close Wilburton Proposed single storey extension
No objections
– 22/00256/FUL North of Old Station, Wilburton Proposed new dwelling
Object as it is outside the development area.
– 22/00201/FUL 38 High Street, Wilburton Replace garage
No objections
22-032: Agenda items for next meeting ( this will be the Annual Parish Council meeting)
Update on the lease on the Recreation field
Update from the PC solicitor
Trees survey of Parish trees
Sound system at the hall
Consideration of chair, vice chair and membership on working groups
22-033: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors
22-034: Date of next meeting – Wednesday 4th May 2022 Annual Parish meeting 18th May
Meeting closed at 10.00pm