Minutes of the Virtual Full Council Meeting, 4th May 2021 held online via ZOOM at 8.00pm
Present: Cllr A Dodson, Cllr J Aniskowicz, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr H Upton, Cllr R Garnham
Also Present: Clerk (Mr R Zvauya) Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 4 ZOOM connections from members of the public
21-024: Election of the Chair for 2021-22 – the declaration of acceptance will be emailed for signature
Anthea Dodson was nominated by Cllr Upton and Seconded by Cllr Garnham, Cllr Morgan and Cllr Aniskowicz supported. Anthea Dodson accepted.
21- 025: Election of the Vice – Chair for 2021-22 – the declaration of acceptance will be emailed for signature
Harvey Upton was nominated by Cllr Dodson and seconded by Cllr Morgan, all Councillors agreed.
21-026: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests
Dispensations for Councillors Upton, Aniskowicz and Dodson, who are also SWCLT Trustees, for discussions and decisions relating to SWCLT matters.
21-027: Review Committee Membership
All Councillors agreed that membership on both finance and planning committees continue to be for all five Councillors.
21-028: Review Parish Council representation on working groups
- a) Beer Festival Working Group – Cllr Dodson and Cllr Upton
- b) RIG – Cllr Morgan and Cllr Garnham
- c) 77 Committee – Cllr Aniskowicz and Cllr Dodson
- d) Wilburton Community Cinema – Cllr Aniskowicz and Cllr Dodson
21-029: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 12th April 2021
The Full Council minutes were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Morgan, seconded by Cllr Aniskowicz. All Cllrs in agreement.
21-030: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)
There was no public participation
21-031: Business Matters
- Cemetery
- a) Discuss storage of Burial Records and new procedure
New procedures have been drafted for the use of the cemetery and for clearer communication between funeral directors and the assistant clerk.
Burial records are moving to an online storage system, the assistant clerk will be spending time on moving records over to an electronic system over the coming months. Burial books, in time, will be transferred to Cambridgeshire Archives.
Notice to be placed in the Parish notice board ‘who to contact’ for burial and cemetery matters.
- b) Discuss possibility of appointing a grave digger for the cemetery
Assistant Clerk to contact locally known gravediggers regarding an expression of interest to be Wilburton Cemetery’s exclusive gravediggers. Funeral directors will need to use the appointed gravedigger for all burials at Wilburton Cemetery.
- c) Consider update on the path
Path is now complete.
Cllrs discussed possible future improvements and maintenance at the cemetery to be explored further over the next year.
- Hall Cottage flats garden: Consider cottage flats garden update
Dave Maltby has been asked to complete work to create a shed base and stop escaping soil to a neighbouring garden.
3.Allotments, Community Orchard, Sandpits
- a) Consider update and report from the New Life on the Old West project (NLOTOW) – Cllr Morgan
All Woodland Trust trees now planted. Fenscene attended and are writing an article for the June edition. Assistant Clerk to meet with Howard Jones (NLOTOW lead) and report back to Councillors on plans for the Wilburton site.
- b) Consider benches
It was resolved that two benches to be installed, one at the sandpits and one at the allotments (to be sited when NLOTOW plans are finalised) Proposed by Cllr Dodson and seconded by Cllr Garnham.
- Recreation Field
- a) Consider New Container update – Cllr Garnham
Cllr Garnham shared communications with the container supplier at Soham: Two County Storage Solutions regarding the purchasing and installation of a new container (previously agreed at the June 2020 Full Council Meeting 20-039 point c), cutting back vegetation and cleaning up of the area to site the container, hoped to be in place by the end of May.
- b) Consider RIG and Architect update – Cllr Garnham
CMP architect – issues within the company have resulted in a long delay. Two-week deadline has been given by the Council, with the agreement of CMP to comply.
Mole catcher has been on site to set new traps.
Discussion on possible CCTV at the rec – Cllr Garnham to research
- Review Financial Regulations
Postponed to June meeting
- a) To approve the annual governance statements 31 March 2021
Postponed to June meeting
- b) To approve the accounting statements 31 March 2021
Postponed to June meeting
7.Consider date for Annual Parish Meeting
Meetings to resume to physical (rather than via zoom).
It was decided that the meeting will be called on Wednesday 19th May at 7.30pm in the main hall at St Peter’s Hall. All Parish groups to be asked if they would like to submit a report to either be read out on their behalf or attend the meeting in person to read out themselves. Further details on arrangements to be communicated, following the government announcement on the relaxation of covid 19 rules, from Monday 17th May.
- Consider potential rule change request from SWCLT
Councillors have received a request from the SWCLT clerk to invoke G12, to make an amendment to the rules D7.2 and D14.2 relating to the length of term a trustee is able to be in position. This decision will be deferred, pending further information being shared with Councillors, to a later date.
- Discuss how to promote the hall
Village Voice: September issue advert
All Councillors to consider possible opportunities
- Consider website update
Discussions took place between Councillors on what the Council website should include, Councillors have been asked to create a wish list of items that they would like to be included. To be discussed at an extraordinary meeting.
21-032: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors
- Cemetery update (gravediggers and burial records)
- MVIAS (speed camera)
- RIG, container and architect update
- Financial regulations
- Items following on from the annual meeting
- September village voice (village wide distribution)
- Discuss best evening for parish council meetings
21-033: Date of next meeting – Monday 7th June 2021
Meeting closed at 9.41pm