Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council, 4th May 2022 held at St Peter’s Hall, at 8.00pm
Present: Cllr A Dodson, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr Attrill, Cllr Spencer, Cllr Upton, Cllr Aniskowicz
Also Present: Clerk (Rixon Zvauya) Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 0 members of the public.
22-035: Election of Chair and of Vice-Chair
Cllr Dodson proposed Cllr Attrill to be chair, seconded by Cllr Morgan. All Cllrs agreed.
Cllr Attrill proposed Cllr Upton to be vice chair. Seconded by Cllr Aniskowicz. All agreed.
22-036: Delivery by the Chair of the Council and councillors of their acceptance of office forms
All forms were signed
22-037: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests
Apologies from Cllr S Henessy.
22-038: Review Committee Membership
It was decided to retain the same format: Planning Committee as part of a Full Council Meeting. Finance Committee to be held as a Meeting before Full Council Meeting. All Cllrs to try and attend both monthly meetings.
22-039: Review Parish Council representation on working groups
Beer Festival – Cllr Attrill and Cllr Spencer
Fireworks – Cllr Aniskowicz and Cllr Dodson
Community Cinema – Cllr Aniskowicz and Cllr Upton
22-040: To approve of the minutes of previous Full Council Meeting on 6th April 2022
The Full Council minutes from the 6th April were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Attrill, seconded by Cllr Spencer. All Cllrs agreed.
22-041: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)
There was no public participation.
22-042 Reports from District and County Councillors
22-042: Business Matters
- Recreation Field
- a) Consider update on lease
Cllr Dodson updated all Cllrs on communications with the Parish Council solicitor. Summarised as: the Pell Estate solicitor has drawn up a document ‘Surrender and Lease’ which, when signed, in conjunction with the new Lease, shows a commitment by both parties to ensuring the Lease is ready to action when the current Lease expires in September 2024 or earlier if deemed necessary.
Cllr Dodson had reviewed the lease again and went through areas which needed to be considered. There were minor points to be resolved and information to be given to the solicitor which she was asked to do. It is firmly hoped to conclude this in the near future.
It was agreed that Cllr Dodson would sign the letter of engagement, when sent, with the new firm of solicitors that our solicitor is working for now.
- b) Consider usage of football field next season
Requests from Haddenham FC, Cottenham FC, still waiting to hear back from Wilburton FC. It has been agreed that 2 teams may be scheduled to play on each of the 3 pitches over the course of a weekend with two suggested kick off times to be 9am and 11am in order to allow for one set of teams to have left the recreation ground prior to the next teams(to ease parking).
- c) Consider update on container
Waiting for contractor to arrange a date.
- Consider Beer Festival update and requests – Cllr Attrill and Assistant Clerk
Request to cut the ‘car park’ on land adjacent to the Manor House – subject to approval from the Pell Estate (in writing) Trulink will be asked to cut in the week before the Beer Festival.
- Hall – Consider speaker system – Cllr Attrill
Upgrading of speakers in the hall including bluetooth enablement
It was proposed that £2,000 budget be allocated. All Councillors agreed.
- Consider Tree Survey – Assistant Clerk
Tree survey for all Parish trees.
It was proposed that the quote of £600 from East Cambs Trading Company be accepted and the work be carried out. Proposed by Cllr Morgan. Seconded by Cllr Upton. All agreed.
- Consider quotes for hedgerow at Sandpits
A specification to be written and advertised (on the Parish website, Village Voice and Facebook) for the works needed.
- Consider update on Stretham Road Speed reduction – Cllr Spencer
Work has now started.
- Consider update on yellow lines – Cllr Upton and Cllr Hennessy
To be reviewed in the future.
- Cemetery – Consider scarifying open areas
The grass/moss will be reviewed later in the year.
- Consider update on planting of plants and wild flowers – Assistant Clerk
Cllr Hennessy to work on the sowing of the wildflowers. Cllr Morgan to work with the assistant clerk on the purchasing of the planters and preparing for planting.
- Consider update on Lorry Watch – Cllr Attrill
First lorry watch has taken place – 9 lorries were identified within an hour period, they have been contacted with a view to requesting a different route, rather than driving through Wilburton and Haddenham.
- Approve internal auditor for 2021/22
It was proposed to approve the internal auditor Canalbs Limited at a cost of less than £200 by Cllr Dodson and seconded by Cllr Attrill. All agreed.
- Update on insurance renewal 2022/23
It was proposed to accept the renewal quote from Zurich at a cost of £2,698.70 by Cllr Upton, seconded by Cllr Attrill. All Cllrs agreed.
- Consider updates for Annual Parish Meeting
Outgoing chair will write and read the report. Incoming chair to chair the meeting.
22-044: Agenda items for next meeting
Recreation field lease
Lorry watch
Update on LHI bid
Update on planting wildflower seeds and flower planters
22-045: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors
22-046: Date of next meeting Wednesday 8th June 2022.