June 2022 Full Council minutes
Minutes of the Full Council Meeting, 8th June 2022 held at St Peter’s Hall, at 8.00pm
Present: Cllr A Dodson, Cllr S Henessay, Cllr S Morgan, Cllr Attrill, Cllr Spencer, Cllr Upton, Cllr Aniskowicz.
Also Present: Clerk (Rixon Zvauya) Assistant Clerk (Kara Atkinson) and 0 members of the public.
22-047: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests
22-048: To approve of the minutes of the May Meeting on 4th May 2022
The minutes from Meeting held on the 4th May were reviewed and accepted. Proposed by Cllr Dodson, seconded by Cllr Spencer. All Cllrs agreed.
22-049: Public Participation (15 mins) – to accept questions and comments from members of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest. (max 3 mins per person)
There was no public participation.
22-050 Reports from District and County Councillors
22-051: Business Matters
1.a) To approve the annual governance statements 31 March 2022 – Clerk
All statements were read out and agreed by Cllrs. Signed by the chair of the Parish Council Cllr Attrill.
b) To approve the accounting statements 31 March 2022 – Clerk
Cllrs reviewed the accounting statements, including the balance of the outstanding loan (for the Hall and refurbishment of cottages), reviewed the fixed assets and the bank balances. All were agreed by Cllrs. Signed by the chair of the Parish Council Cllr Attrill.
2.Recreation Field
a)Consider update on lease – Cllr Dodson
Cllr Dodson has spoken to the solicitor, there is no update at present.
b)Consider update on container – Assistant Clerk
The container is now in place. Cllr Attrill thanked all volunteers for their help and time in emptying the old container and filling the new one. Thanks to Cllr Wilson, Nigel Pymont, James Lambert and Krish Naidu. There is rubbish from the old container that needs to be disposed of, a skip will be arranged and a working day to load the skip.
c)Consider recreation field pedestrian access update- Assistant Clerk
Cllrs discussed the installation of a new access point to the recreation ground field further down Station Road between the lime and horse chestnut tree. Assistant Clerk to contact Pell Estate for permission to proceed with the work. Cllr Morgan to seek a quote for the planned work.
d)To discuss the possible movement of the drop curb, off Station Road and a reconfiguration of the car park
Cllrs discussed the current location of the drop curb and the car park configuration and if the planned entrance and location is still the best fit for the recreation field. New planning permission and quotes are needed for the drop curb – as permission has now expired. Assistant Clerk to arrange a time for Cllr Attrill and Cllr Wilson to meet with the architect to review all plans ahead of them being attached to the new lease.
3.Consider Beer Festival update and requests – Cllr Attrill and Assistant Clerk
Trulink have been instructed to cut the grass next to the Manor House ahead of the Beer Festival.
4.Consider Hall speaker system update – Cllr Attrill
Cllr Upton to aid in arranging the meeting for the electrician to access the hall.
5.Discuss new defibrillator funding and location plans
Existing Defib: Code: C159X To be shared with local groups and organisations.
New Defibrillator and case, for the recreation ground £1350 plus VAT, a security light to also be installed. Assistant Clerk to contact electrician to request a quote for the works.
It was proposed that the unit be purchased and the electrical work be carried out. Proposed by Cllr Dodson, seconded by Cllr Hennessey.
6.Consider update on Lorry Watch – Cllr Attrill
Sessions are going well and data is being gathered.
7.Consider speed indicator MVAS update- Cllr Upton
SID requirements have been conformed with Cambridgeshire County Council. 2 x Portable Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) with Smiley / Angry Face beneath. With associated batteries and brackets
8.Discuss getting a skip and date for a work day
Cllr Morgan to arrange a skip and a date for a work day
9.Cemetery – Consider scarifying open areas
To be left for the time being.
10.Discuss plans for securing a new Christmas tree – Cllr Upton
To be clarified with Cllr Wilson, re: him supplying a tree for this year.
22/00463/FUL: Self build replacement dwelling, garage & associated works including swimming pool. Location: 198 Whitecross Road Wilburton Ely
Cllrs object due to it being outside the planning envelope and the size of the planned development is not in keeping with the surroundings.
22/00592/LBC: Proposed replacement of front dormer windows
Location: The Old Chequers 68 High Street Wilburton
No objections.
22/00630/FUL: Proposed 2 bay canopy to side of existing building Location: Twentypence Garden Centre Twentypence Road
No objections.
22-052: Agenda items for next meeting
Working Party updates (Fireworks and Beer Festival)
Lorry Watch
Hall: speakers
Lobby: emergency exit sign
Roof over the water tanks at the Allotments (to collect rain water)
BBQ fire pit at the sandpits
Flat roof and flashing on the social club
22-053: Councillors Questions – To receive any comments or questions from the Councillors
22-054: Date of next meeting: Wednesday 6th July
Meeting closed at 9.21pm