11 – November Agenda Planning 2021

11 – November Agenda Planning 2021

Chair: Mrs Anthea Dodson
Clerk: Mr R Zvauya
3 The Brook, Sutton, Ely, Cambs, CB6 2PU
Tel. 07510 102444
Email: clerk@wilburtonparishcouncil.gov.uk
There will be a meeting of the Planning Committee on Tuesday 23rd November 2021 at 8pm
at Wilburton Community Baptist Church Hall to which all Committee Members are summoned to attend. Members of the press and public are welcome to attend the meeting except for any specific item deemed to be confidential. The press and public may not speak when the council is in session, but they can make points in the allocated time.
PC21-066: Apologies, Acceptance of apologies and declarations of interests
PC21-067: To approve the minutes of the meeting on 20 October 2021
PC21-068:Matters arising not covered elsewhere in the Agenda (from previous
PC21-069: Public Participation – to accept questions and comments from members
of the public and councillors with a prejudicial interest
PC21-070: for comment:
21/01621/FUL Land south of 5 Millfield Lane, Wilburton
Erection of 4 dwellings (phased development) and garages with new accesses and associated infrastructure
21/01520/TPO Wilburton Byway 4, Wilburton
Tree work
21/01548/TCON Broadway, Wilburton
Condition 3 – Tree topping, lopping and felling
21/01506/ADN Apple Acre, 13 Clarkes Lane, Wilburton
Raised composite aluminium sign and 6no flags on poles
21/01577/FUM Land off Station Road, Wilburton
Construction of 23 dwellings, new accesses, public footpath, parking and associate works(including removal of trees T10, T12, T14, T15, T16, G2, T22) – resubmission of application 19/01464/FUM
21/01624/FUL Maple Lodge, Twentypence Road, Wilburton
Single storey rear extension and single storey front extension and all external associated works.
Items to be noted
20/00682/DISA 4 Carpond Lane, Wilburton
To discharge conditions 5, 12, 13 of decision dated 7.8.2020 for demolition of existing outbuildings and erection of a single detached dwelling
21/01534/RMA Land adjacent 36 Haddenham Road, Wilburton
Reserved matters for approval of the appearance, landscaping and layout of previously approved 18/01266/OUT
19/00910/DISG Land South of 6 Hinton Way, Wilburton
To discharge condition 10 (surface water drainage)
PC21-071: Business not covered above
PC21-072: Councillor’s questions
PC21-073: Confidential item – PreApp
PC21-074: Date of next meeting to be confirmed
Please note that copies of minutes can be obtained from the Parish Clerk or by visiting
our Website at www.wilburtonparishcouncil.org
Signed: R Zvauya
Date: 18 November 2021